Item/Event | Requirement | Change | Notes |
Amber Seed | - Has vagina & that type is not
- Leg type is Feline/Equine/Snake
- Otherwise
- Elasticity less than
- 2 for normal
- 3 with 'Elasticity' perk
| - Elasticity becomes
- 2 for normal
- 3 with 'Elasticity' perk
Ass Slap Patch | | - Increase Elasticity by 0.5
GaloMax Pill | - On third dose
- Elasticity < 3
| |
Orefish Shard | | - Increase Elasticity by 1-2 till 5
Ruskvel | - Has vagina
- Elasticity less than
- 2 for normal
- 3 with 'Elasticity' perk
| - Increase Elasticity by 0.25
The Treatment (Amazon variant) | - Has vagina
- Elasticity < 2.5
| | - Amazon variant of the The Treatment will cause many more changes
- Has vagina
- Has 'Elasticity' perk
- Elasticity < 3
| | - Amazon variant of the The Treatment will cause many more changes
The Treatment (Bimbo & Cum-Cow) | - Has 'The Treatment' status effect
- Every hour at 155-168 hours
- Elasticity less than
- 3.5 for normal
- 4 with 'Elasticity' perk
| - Elasticity becomes
- 3.5 for normal
- 4 with 'Elasticity' perk
| - Bimbo variant of the The Treatment will cause many more changes
The Treatment (Faux Cow variant) | - Treatment hour 153
- Elasticity < 5
| | - Faux Cow variant of the The Treatment will cause many more changes
- Treatment hour 153
- Elasticity ≥ 5
| - Increase Elasticity by
- 1 for normal
- 2 with 'Elasticity' perk
| - Faux Cow variant of the The Treatment will cause many more changes
Psychic Tentacle birth | | |
- Elasticity < 7
- Has 'Elasticity' perk
| - Increase Elasticity by 1.5
Venus Pitcher birth | - No 'Elasticity' perk
- Elasticity less than
- 2 for fertilized
- 1.6 unfertilized
| - Increase Elasticity by 0.1
- Has 'Elasticity' perk
- Elasticity less than
- 4 for fertilized
- 3.2 unfertilized
| - Increase Elasticity by 0.2
Omega Oil | - Elasticity less than
- 3 for normal
- 4 with 'Elasticity' perk
| - Increase Elasticity by 0.25
Holiday'sBlack Cat costume | | - increase Elasticity by 5 till 10
Reptilum | - Not all vaginas are type Lizan
- Elasticity < 2
| | - If skin type is scaled
- Vagina color becomes scale color
- Vagina color becomes purple
- If Bonus Capacity less than 100
- Bonus Capacity becomes 100
Uthra+ | - Choosing Butt
- Elasticity < 3
- Assholelooseness greater than 1
| - Increase Elasticity by 0.5 till 3